5 Tips To Overcome Your Marketing Challenges!

5 Tips To Overcome Your Marketing Challenges Blog

What are you biggest business marketing challenges today?  If you are like most companies,  ensuring that your marketing efforts are paying off is key. Here are a few tips to help you get it done.

Tip 1:  Don’t handle your marketing in your spare time. As a business owner, your time is best spent managing customer expectations, providing quality customer service, and developing your product and service offerings. If you are trying to manage your marketing challenges in your spare time— you will fail. Consider assigning that responsibility to an employee, an outsourced vendor or add a marketing coach to review and update your marketing plan with the most effective marketing tools and strategies.

Tip 2:  Set aside some time monthly to review your marketing challenges and solutions. Whether you outsource or not, you need to know where your marketing challenges lie. Don’t wait until sales have dropped off to pay attention. Your monthly review will tip you off right away if your monthly new customer rate drops, your sales closing rate changes or your advertising ROI dips. No one can do this part for you so keep your finger on the pulse.

Tip 3: Set more specific marketing goals.   In order to address marketing challenges, you need to first be specific about your marketing goals. Are you trying to increase brand awareness, increase website traffic, generate high quality leads, increase your customer lifetime value or expand your market reach? Each of those different goals requires different marketing tools, campaigns, content, strategies and action links. Don’t expect different results by just adding money—you need new campaigns.

Tip 4: Cost Management Takes Focus.  Digital advertising tools have increased their costs and in some cases reduced your advertising results.  Review your results now to stop inefficient digital advertising and fix your campaigns to deliver better results. You need to know your  ROI and ROS on all campaigns and there should be a Call To Action (CTA) that proves your marketing plan is working.

Tip 5: Your Customers Need To Be First.   Always keep your eye on customer service. If you have not reviewed your online reviews or customer feedback lately, you may not be clear on where your company can improve and if your products or services are falling short of expectations. When business owners lose that key information, customers move to anther solution. Keeping a customer is 25 times less expensive than finding a new customer to take their place. Do all you can to focus on customer satisfaction, retention and referrals. Keep your eyes on how often you receive ongoing positive online reviews. 

If your company needs help with your marketing strategy or help designing, critiquing or improving your marketing plan, contact Tailor-Made Advertising here or call them at 310-791-6300 to keep your organization thriving.

If you need an email marketing tool with analytics built in along with automation, consider adding one that offers a drop and drag editor and customer support 6 days a week, including by phone. Click here to try Constant Contact one source solution for trackable Email Marketing, AI content writing, Landing Page creation, SMS Text Marketing, Event Marketing Tool, Social Media Posting and simple Website Page Design—all in one package with add-on options to provide even more.

Liz Harsch is the owner of Tailor-Made Advertising in Torrance, CA. Her firm provides marketing, training and consulting to identify marketing and media alternatives for business owners. As an experienced Marketing Director, Media Planner, Liz has trained small business owners for Constant Contact, SCORE, SBDC, SBA, Cities, MWD and County outreach partners plus many Chambers of Commerce for over 25 years. She can be reached at her Torrance, CA, office at 310-791-6300 or by email at liz@adteamla.com. You can also see her upcoming training workshops calendar at http://bit.ly/workshopscal,

Tailor-Made Advertising

(310) 791-6300

Email Us: Liz@AdTeamLA.com

21515 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 200
Torrance, CA 90503


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