Content Marketing & Blogging

Content Marketing is providing content on your website, blogs, social media pages, and listing sites to attract your target market and past customers or donors. That content should be a combination of keyword-rich descriptions and images or videos that demand attention. The goal of Content Marketing is to use content to motivate readers of that content to take an action. Our job is to help business owners and their teams to strategize and connect the right content in the right place to achieve that goal. Our Content designers and copywriters can work magic once we know the target market, your resources, and content that we feel will compel that action. Content does not have to be written; images and videos are relatable as well. The key is to tie that content to your company and keep the focus on your benefits and services. Sweepstakes, Downloadable PDFs, Guides, Tips, Events, Webinars—even Email Newsletters—are also great tools to show off your knowledge and bring more viewers to your website. We suggest that you establish your end game (where you want viewers to go) as part of your content marketing strategy before you design the content itself. Here are some typical content marketing goals.

  • Move traffic from content to fill out a form or subscribe.
  • Move traffic from your social media posts to a page of your website or blog.
  • Move visitors from your blog or website page to your shopping cart on Amazon, Shopify, or another cart program.
  • Motivate a download of your e-books, guides, apps, or videos.
  • Get traffic from your content to share your content with their contacts.

Create Content Marketing That Motivates Your Target Market

To create a successful Content Marketing program, we often start with market research questions for your team. This is an opportunity to share your knowledge and raise your profile as an interesting organization and an expert in your field. As usual we first need to target your market so we can create content that connects with their needs.

  1. Who is your target audience?
    Hint: Know their demographics and interests.
  2. What action do you want your audience to take after reading your content?
    Hint: Design content with that action (call to action) in mind.
  3. Why should I follow or subscribe to your content?
    Hint: Learn more quickly. Keep up to date. Follow a thought leader.
  4. Content marketing is about keywords. What are yours?
    Hint: Use the keywords that potential customers search for when looking for your product, service, or non-profit. Be sure to include any further defining words, for example, your location or neighborhoods served.

Develop Valuable Content

First, and above all else, write or design content that provides information your target market wants to see. It is an opportunity to share your knowledge and raise your profile as a knowledgeable source and an expert in your field. If you sell products or services, consider product comparisons or checklists that show where your products shine. What content can you provide to your fans, followers, leads, customers, or subscribers that will:

  1. Save them time?
  2. Save them money?
  3. Provide them content they would be challenged to find or develop?

Strategize The Next Step

The next step is to match the content with the action you want viewers to take once they see your content. We combine digital tools with content marketing blogs, keywords, descriptions, videos, infographics, categories, and tags. We balance images with actions by combining communication with pictures, documents, or videos that are clickable. We increase engagement by using our design wisely and keeping key action links and buttons above the scroll on mobile phones. We limit choices to ensure that we get enough engagement where you want it most.

Here are some ideas of types of content you can share with your audience.

  • Industry or association research or tips
  • Before/after images
  • Infographics
  • Charts or trending Images
  • Leverage current events, workshops, or webinars
  • Tell Stories about your company, your products or service, and your employees
  • Create guides or e-books to offer for subscriptions and/or contact information
  • Blogging
  • Podcasts
  • Email Marketing and Newsletters—how do you get an audience to be interested enough to follow your efforts?
  • Videos, Tips, Advice, and How To…
  • Customer Testimonials and Success Stories
  • Upcoming Events, Webinars, Speakers, and Meetups
  • Social media posts and influencer information
  • User Generated Content (UGC)


Most websites should include a blog or vlog (video blog). This allows you to keep updating your website pages with each entry for your blog. A blog has the benefit of allowing you to add keywords and categories to each submission which can bring more people to your website when they see your blog entry on their social media or if they subscribe. In addition to the keyword content in your article or post, you can also enhance the SEO on those pages by allowing viewers to subscribe to the pages and share your content on their social media platforms each week or month. Reposting your blogs and posts on other platforms will also help reach beyond your existing contacts. To prove their relevance to search engines, blogs do not have to be long, just regular and long enough to show interest in your pages. A good blog is share-worthy when it provides relevant information and offers timely advice. Each blog post has the potential to bring visitors to your website should they search for keywords or content that your blog covers. That will bring more SEO to your website.

User Generated Content (UGC)

User Generated Content is when the public or organizations create videos that feature your product, service sharing ideas, applications, or situations. If you are following your customers’ feeds, these UGC can become a viral message for your company. You also may learn from others that there is viral content about your product or service which you can use to your advantage. Make the most of them. Ask if you can use them in your marketing promotions. It is important to ask because some people post these videos on their personal page and therefore only their friends and fans can see it. If you are a friend of theirs, that does not give you permission to publish them publicly (which is on a public, business page location). A good example is the Ocean Spray campaign which started with a fan of the product skateboarding (hanging onto a truck) drinking Ocean Spray at the same time. What followed was an Ocean Spray challenge where even Ocean Spray executives were seen skateboarding and drinking their juice. While some people posted those videos on their private pages, Ocean Spray encouraged people to post them publicly on their business social media accounts. They also bought ads to encourage more viral sharing. Watch your business page mentions for content that features your brand. The smartest marketers are listening and tapping into the opportunity to share users’ experiences. It can stimulate new product and marketing ideas that will resonate with your target market now and into the future.

Cause Marketing Content

Sustainability has become a critical phenomenon and today many consumers are looking for companies that help them feel good when they purchase by letting them feel they are contributing to a better planet. Regardless of your politics, anytime you can show that your product or service offers sustainable solutions, you add value to your company and organization. If you can get the support of causes that add credibility to your claims, make sure you add those to your messaging. In addition, consider adding Cause Marketing to your media mix by supporting non-profits as part of your marketing plan. It is a win-win situation. Your customers feel better when they spend money with your company, and a non-profit organization benefits with a donation from your company to support a local cause.

Email Marketing

Your monthly newsletters and ongoing promotions should be a strategic part of your content marketing efforts. Each email should offer your contacts something they need and continue to educate them about your products and services. Many companies miss their mark by sending out promotional emails that repeat themselves and are hard-sell attempts to get sales. They are missing the point of subscription email marketing which promises something to the recipient for the courtesy of providing their email address. Ask yourself if you are honoring that trust by sending something that your subscribers really need. Remember that some of those contacts have already either made a purchase with your company or participated in something your company offers. Some of the contacts are not familiar with everything that your company offers. That is why it is important to segment your content to deliver the right messages of interest to the right list of contacts. Done correctly, email marketing keeps you in touch with potential and past customers or donors. The key is to ensure that they do not unsubscribe based on your content not being relevant to them.

Downloadable Content – E-books, PDFs, and Presentations

Used correctly, downloadable content can attract new subscribers, entice new leads, and re-engage past customers or donors. The content you create for this purpose should excite the audience enough to take the action of providing an email or a text address where they can get your content. If they are already on your mailing list, the action you are looking for is engagement with your content so you can keep the connection. Once they take the action you want, they should immediately get the promised content. That content should also be designed with a call to action on it. For example, a downloadable checklist can have a link to get a quote or a sign-up for a webinar series. An e-book can be a chapter of a book that is for sale with a link at the end of the chapter where you can purchase the entire book. Like breadcrumbs, content should lead your market towards becoming a customer, and past customers should be directed back to your products and services that they have not yet purchased. Strategize beyond the download to what action you feel the recipient would take next, as well as the next content or newsletter they should receive from your organization.

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