When you are ready to create content for an online project or even for a traditional media outlet, there are several tips you may want to consider to save you time and be more effective:
1. Keep your target market in mind. When you write, consider who you are writing to and what their concerns are in getting information about their interests. If you have people sign up for a monthly newsletter, make sure you are providing monthly news and not just an online ad for your services or products. it needs elements to make the recipient happy they subscribed or they will unsubscribe and you will lose that contact and their respect.
2. You do not always need to provide original content. Consider re-purposing content from a blog or previous article you created and link back to that source. Make sure that if you link an article or information from a news service you subscribe to, that you credit them for the information. It is enough for you save your recipients time in providing the information, it does not have to be your content but it is best for you to let them know the source.
3. Keywords are the key for any writer today. Make sure you have agreement with your management as to the keywords you want to be associated with and then make sure your content is tagged with those keywords so you can be easily associated with that conversation. Make sure that even if you are writing a brochure you include the keywords in simple conversational English (or whatever language your target market speaks) so it is clear what service or product you provide and how that relates to the topic.
4. Indirect is better. Don’t think your company or you always need to be the title story of your content. In fact some of the best read stories are focused on someone else and that makes you great by association. Companies that compliment and credit employees for being their strengths have a higher reputation of trust and that is a hurdle any business needs to overcome in order to do business with someone.
5. Cross pollinate your content and re-purpose it everywhere. These days you need content for every social media platform as well as communication within your company and externally with public. So when you write a blog with 5 tips for some topic, use each tip as a post on your social media with a link to the full blog which I hope you will link to your website. It is your bricks and motor store online so make sure fans visit it to learn all they can about your organization.
For more information on content and copywriting, contact us at tmade.mkt@verizon.net or call us at 310-791-6300.