Why Holiday Marketing Matters to Every Business and Organization

What is all the fuss about Holiday Marketing? And why should I care if I am not a retailer? Here are a few reasons why you need a Holiday Marketing strategy no matter what type of business or organization you are running: 1. There is a reason why they call the holidays “Good Cheer”, people […]

5 Tips on Increasing Your Sales

The only difference between leads and customers is “yes”. However the key for today’s businesses is are you asking the right questions to achieve the “yes” to convert a lead into a sale? Here are a few tips on how to achieve the conversions from potential customer to a paying customer: Step 1 – Ask […]

Are YELP Reviews hurting your Business?

I get a lot of questions about YELP when I do social media training and also through my own clients. So I recently talked with my YELP provider and pinpointed the questions I am asked about the most. You may agree or disagree on the answers YELP Corporate provided me, however if you have received […]

Setting & Achieving Your 2013 Sales or Marketing Goals

Before you hire another service provider or put more money into your website, ask yourself one question—How will I grow my business/association in 2013? What is your plan? What are your goals? You cannot expect a vendor or your employees to be successful with your online marketing programs if you have not clearly communicated to […]

Will The Fiscal Cliff Tax Deal Affect Your Business?

Are you clear or whether or not the new tax legislation will affect your sales? As a marketer, we need to keep an eye on what changes in government can do to our potential sales in 2013 and beyond. As I searched for a layman’s termed explanation of what we got and gave up with […]

How can you achieve your online marketing goals with measurement?

I am often told the same sad story over and over by business owners who have hired someone internally or used an outside vendor to do their SEO, Website, Social Media or Adwords campaigns and paid them monthly to get the job done. After several months, they could not tell if their online efforts had […]

How Do Businesses Benefit From Pinterest?

So here is a quick tip on why Pinterest is getting so popular… it sells! Hey who knew? In fact I was a bit of a skeptic myself.  Who had time for another Social Media Platform? It turns out that there are compelling reasons to get on this one. So let’s start with an example […]

Why You Need to Segment Your Email Marketing List

Throwing out a net to catch fish will glean you a big catch. But if you are after a specific type of fish you will need more than good luck, you will need to identify the species, their stomping ground and use the bait that is most attractive to that species. Now consider targeting your […]

Connect The Dots on Email + Social Media-Helpful Workshops!

What are you doing different to market your company in 2012? Are you segmenting your target market with email marketing? Are you adding social media? Did you poll your 2011 buyers to see learn more about how your company and products are searched for and perceived? Have you Googled your company or products to learn […]