Are you ready to rock your 4th Quarter? Join my FREE #WebinarWednesday at 10am on 9/19

Join my #WebinarWednesday on 9/19 at 10am PST on 4th Quarter Marketing Slam Dunk-FREE Marketing Checklist.  You only have 3 months left to reach your 2018 marketing goals, so and let’s rock it! I will share my 4th Quarter Marketing Checklist to use your marketing tools to maximize your sales, promotions, events & fundraising. Register […]

5 Tips To Grow Your Business With Thanks You’s

It is that time again. November is a month of Thanks & Planning for your business or organization. But did you also know that it is a great call to action month to help you achieve more sales or fundraising? Try these tips to use Thank You as a way to get more business and grow […]

5 Tips To Grow your Business from #OneCon2015!

Although, I don’t have the time, I always take at lease one 3-day training break. Because when you step away from your business to educate yourself it always pays back in time and cost savings and growth achieved. A good workshop should increase your revenue and save you time and money. In last 3 days, I have learned […]

3 Steps to facebook Posts that Achieve Your Goals!

So you are spending a lot of time on facebook trying to keep in touch with your customers and getting them to talk about your business or non-profit to their friends. But at the end of the day you are not getting your time back in sales or donations. You know something is wrong but […]