How Can I Improve My SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is no longer just about keyword search. The reality is that the internet has gotten much more complicated and the algorithms that google search used last year was changed over 600 times to adjust it to fix workarounds that programmers used to beat the system. This means that there are […]

6 Ways Auto-responders Can Improve Your Marketing Results

Set up correctly, Auto-Responders can do a lot of follow up for your marketing team.  Let’s start with what an autoresponder is and how it works. It is a template based Email Marketing campaign that is set up using an Email Marketing Template Program (i.e. Constant Contact) with a series of follow-up Emails (say every […]

Is Your Facebook Page Working? 6 Tips to Improve.

Clients often tell me, “I used to get a lot more from my facebook business page, now I don’t”. The time to mourn facebook as a free medium is long past. While it is true that it is one of the best vehicles to reach out and touch someone right now, the truth is that you […]

5 Tips To Grow Your Business With Thanks You’s

It is that time again. November is a month of Thanks & Planning for your business or organization. But did you also know that it is a great call to action month to help you achieve more sales or fundraising? Try these tips to use Thank You as a way to get more business and grow […]

5 Tips To Grow your Business from #OneCon2015!

Although, I don’t have the time, I always take at lease one 3-day training break. Because when you step away from your business to educate yourself it always pays back in time and cost savings and growth achieved. A good workshop should increase your revenue and save you time and money. In last 3 days, I have learned […]

3 Steps to facebook Posts that Achieve Your Goals!

So you are spending a lot of time on facebook trying to keep in touch with your customers and getting them to talk about your business or non-profit to their friends. But at the end of the day you are not getting your time back in sales or donations. You know something is wrong but […]

#Social Media Example: NY Mag, Bill Cosby & #TheEmptyChair

Whether you are in agreement or not with the New Yorker Magazine cover that prompted a national conversation using the hashtag #TheEmptyChair campaign, you cannot disagree that the use of traditional media plus online media and social platforms drove the success of the public relations outreach.  This example demonstrates how imagery with social media efforts delivered more […]

Join me on 7/23 in Hawthorne #SBDC to learn Social Media Timesaver Tips

Join me on 7/23 in Hawthorne #SBDC to learn Social Media Timesavers make the most of your #social media time, info: . You will learn tips and tools to use to get more done on social media and where to find quick content for your efforts. Get details at this link: .

5 Tips To Close More Business & Grow Your 2015 Sales

  5 Tips to Close More Business In 2015 It starts with setting a goal. Like any other thing you decide to accomplish, the chances of you succeeding in growing your business is automatically increased when you put it down on paper and commit to achieving something more grand. Just like that 10 pounds you want to […]