Your marketing department should be orchestrating and integrating your website, marketing tools, and media into an interacting and trackable funnel to help you grow your business. While one of the main goals is to create databases of past customers and potential contacts, your marketing team should also observe and manage any changes in your company’s reputation and learn from your customers’ concerns. A good marketing team uses information from your customer service department, then creates marketing content to motivate potential customers to become customers as well as turn past customers into advocates, followers, fans, and influencers.
By providing training sessions that help small companies thrive, we regularly review the latest marketing tools. We also keep up to date on communication changes that are occurring within omnichannel tools as well as traditional marketing tools.
Here are a few of the workshops we provide. You have he option of arranging private training for your marketing team or organization.
To join our next webinar or workshop, see our calendar here and register for the topic you want to learn more about.
• Learn how to set your sales goals and help your team exceed them. Help your sales and fundraising team identify and focus on stronger prospects. Use proven sales strategies that can move your sales from good to great. Help your sales and fundraising team be more successful with specific goals. How to add social selling to move social media leads from being contacts to customers.
To join our next webinar or workshop, see our calendar here and register for the topic you want to learn more about.
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